В статье коротко описывается установка редактора FCK (fckeditor) как хелпера (helper) на cakephp v1.2.
Шаг 1. Подготовка.
- Скачать cakephp с оф. сайта.
- Скачать FCKeditor с оф. сайта.
- Распаковать cakephp и FCKeditor.Дерево каталогов (расположение каталога fckeditor в cake)
webroot -|
js -|
Шаг 2. FCK Helper.
* /app/views/helpers/fck.php
class FckHelper extends Helper {
var $helpers = Array("Html");
function load($field, $width = 400) {
$field = explode(".", $field);
if(empty($field[1])) {
// need to know how to call a model from a helper
} else {
$model = $field[0];
$controller = $field[1];
require_once WWW_ROOT.DS."js".DS."fckeditor".DS."fckeditor.php";
$oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor("data[".$model."][".$controller."]") ;
$oFCKeditor->BasePath = DS."js".DS."fckeditor".DS ;
$oFCKeditor->Value = $this->data[$model][$controller];
$oFCKeditor->Height = $width;
Шаг 3. Controllers.
Простой контроллер
class ArticleController extends AppController {
public $uses = array("Article");
public $helpers = array("Form","Html","Fck");
* Article model
* @var Article
function edit(){
Шаг 4. Вюер - еще проще
echo $fck->load("Article.annotation");
Шаг 5. Настройка браузера файлов.
В файле app/webroot/js/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/php/config.php
// SECURITY: You must explicitly enable this "connector". (Set it to "true").
// WARNING: don"t just set "$Config["Enabled"] = true ;", you must be sure that only
// authenticated users can access this file or use some kind of session checking.
$Config["Enabled"] = true ;
// Path to user files relative to the document root.
$Config["UserFilesPath"] = "/files/" ;